2nd Pre to 3rd Pre test

1. Forms:
Basic 1 to Bahl Che - So 

2. Weapon:
Bong Hyoung #1, 2

3. Hand Techniques: 
A and B Hand technique 1 to 4

4. Kick Techniques: 
Kick combination technique 1 to 4

5. Target kick: 
Any regular and jump kick combination

6. One step sparring: 
Adult: Any previous to Cho Dan # 1 to 6   
Children: Long distance sparring: Nos. 1 to 12

7. Breaking: 
Double Jump Front Snap Kick

8. Free Sparring: 
No Contact - Good control techniques

9. Oral test :
Standard Terminology

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Continental Tang Soo Do Federation 
1900 Hard Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43235 USA (614) 889-JKIM (5546)
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